5 Easy Ways to Make Senior Living Centers Safe

Healthcare Builder’s

5 Easy ways to make Senior Living Centers Safe

Seniors are victims of more than 2.3 million accidents in their homes each year! When being cared for by assisted living facilities it’s important that residents and their families feel safe. The old American proverb “It is better to be safe than sorry.” has never been so true. So healthcare remodelers we’ve put together 5 tips to improve the safety of your facility.

1.     Make that shower safe

With the water running and shoes off it’s easy for mishaps to occur in the shower. Grab bars on the walls give people that extra bit of support they need to feel sturdy and secure. For those who are even less mobile transfer-shower-seats are recommended. They eliminate the precarious climb over the lip of the bathtub. In a spot where seniors are alone excellent grips are imperative. Heck, don’t stop there. Additional grab bars outside the bathroom is a smart choice for floors that are often slippery.

2.     Flooring matters

Poorly maintained floor surfaces are a leading cause of falls in nursing homes. Safe residents are happy residents so never hesitate to call us for feedback on health care remodeling. Carpets should be clean and low pile. Use normal, flat surfaces instead of shag carpeting. The National Council on Aging recommends this type of level flooring to avoid falls. Installation is a quick process and can avoid issues down the line while increasing aesthetics for living environments.

3.     Secure Ceilings

Old floors and ceilings contain a myriad of safety hazards. New ceilings are built to be moisture, sag, and soil-resistant but aren’t perfect yet. Be aware of poor construction and old aspects of your building that might compromise the safety of residents like drooping ceiling tiles. Discolored tiles above may be another indication that your facility needs some looking after. Make a thorough inspection of your environment and look for water stains above. That could point to leakage nobody wants. Any questions? Give your local contractor a call. (Our number is at the top of the page by the way!)

4.     Install safety alert systems

Most modern assisted living facilities and nursing homes have safety alert systems that allow residents to call for help in the event of a hazard. Equip bathrooms with an emergency pull string, and give every bed a call button. Consider investing in methods for your populace to get help anywhere in the area when they need it. Are your alert systems working for memory care residents? Check them please.

5.     Electricity should be a good thing

20 amp Outlet20 amp Outlet

20 amp Outlet

Make sure all electrical equipment around the structure works properly. We can point you in the right direction with any questions you might have. Blowing a fuse or losing power is inconvenient to many, but it’s downright dangerous to a senior. Losing the ability to run the necessary health equipment, food storage and even air conditioning during a heat wave can be increasingly dangerous as we age. Most healthcare facilities have 20 amp outlets instead of the 15 amps which allow for better safety and increased power flow. In fact, replacing all the outlets are a worthy investment to add to next year’s fiscal budget. You’ll know if the outlet is 20 amp if it has the “T” like plug on one of the insertion points.

Safety threats can be intimidating. That’s why Carlton Building is dedicating our time to produce safe, effective results as health care builders. A simple inspection can find molehills before they become mountains. Here to help, give us a call to secure a custom safety report for your facility—more importantly your residents.

JP Carlton

J.P. Carlton

J.P. Carlton is the founder of Carlton Building Services, a Hampton Roads-based construction company.